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The Ultimate Guide To Quail As Pets

The Ultimate Guide To #Quail As Pets

Quail are a hardy, versatile bird often raised for meat and eggs, especially in many Asian countries. However, their variety of bright colors and adorable, pear-shaped body make them hard to resist as pets. Their petite size makes them a great alternative to chickens for people who live in cities. They’re also fun to observe – a quail’s chirping is cheerful, yet not excessively noisy. Here’s everything you need to know about raising quail as pets: Are Quails Good Enough To Eat? Some types of quail are raised for meat, but even the largest weigh in at just under a[…]Read More…

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How To Start Raising Chickens For Meat Or For Eggs

How To Raise Chickens For Meat or For Eggs

There’s something about the comforting clucking of a brood of hens that sounds like home. Whether you want a flock to lay delicious, healthy eggs, or you’d like to raise your hens for meat – some breeds are good for both – here’s what you need to get started: Are You Allowed To Keep Chickens? Before building a coop, check your local ordinances to make sure your flock won’t break the law. In the city of Grand Prairie, your coop must be “150 feet from any residence, business or commercial  establishment or office, (other than the owner’s), grocery stores, restaurants, schools, hospitals and nursing homes.”[…]Read More…